Q- What is Java ?

Q- What is Java ? with syntax.

Ans- Java is a class based high level object oriented programming language. develop by " James Gosling " and his friends in the year 1991.

       The first version of Java (J D K 1.0 )  was released on the year 23rd jan ,1996 by sum micro system. 

Every line of code that runs in Java must be inside a class. In our example,we named the class Main. class should always start with an uppercase first letter. Note: Java is case-sensitive ."MyClass" and "myclass" has different meaning

Syntax:- class class -name


   public static void main (String[] args)


      System.out.printIn("Hello Word");



Rule :-

(1) - Save  class-name.java

(2) - Compilation java class name.java

(3) - Excecution Java class name

                >> Program <<

1- class A

2 - {

3 - public static void main (String a[])

4 - {

5 - System.out.print("Welcome Java programming ");

6 - }

7 - }


Welcome Java programming

Features of Java

1- Object oriented 

2- Platform independent 

3- Simple Language 

4- Secure 

5- Portable

6- Compiled & interpreted

7- Robust

8- Distributed

9- Multi - threaded

10- Performance 

11- Dynamic


The Java is populer because all feature is presented so Java is populer.

What is OOP ? Full explanation.

Ans-    Oop stands for object oriented programming language, the main purpose of OOP is to deal with real world entity using Programming lauguage.

OOPs features

  • Class
  • Object
  • inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation
  • abstraction


  • Java is a totaly computer based programming language developed by Sum micro Systerm ( James Gosling, mike sheridan & patrick naughton ) 
  • In the year 1991 James Gosling  & his friends strat a porject                            Team- Green team
  • James Gosling - green talk                                                                                          Entension- oak                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
  • Oak - Java (1995)
  • Java- Setbox ,Television,Remote etc.
Java - Internet Proramming.


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